Before the trip upriver we have met the local fishermen. We wanter to gather some info on the sport-fishing in the Bering Sea near the mouth of the Kamchatka River. The local fishermen catch mostly Pacific cod; other fish including halibut are also present in the area. This is the self-made sea tackle; comparing with the modern gear it looks very rough.
The downriver view in Ust-Kamchatsk. The sea is to the right from the mountain chain at the background.
We are going up the Kamchatka River. In its lower part the river is wide and shallow. Today it is easy to see the Shiveluch volcano (3283 m) which is often hiding in the clouds.
Shiveluch: the main summit (3283 m) to the right, the new erupting summit (2800 m) to the left.
The Raduga River is a left tributary to Kamchatka, which mouth is 35 km upstream Ust-Kamchatsk
In the lower reaches of the Raduga is a site of the town of Nizhnekamchatsk. This is one of the oldest towns of the peninsula. Nizhne-Kamchatsk was founded at this site in 1732. A wooden stockaded town of the same name was constructed in 1703 at the distance of 90 km upstream from the Raduga. That first town was burned during the riot of the native Kamchadal people in 1731, and was constructed again near the Raduga R. mouth. Here you see the Nizhnekamchatsk - as a local artist sees it. The town used to have a log stockade, but it is absent at the picture.
This wooden church was constructed around 1740; so now it is over 270 years old!
This historical site is also famous by its fishing. In the Raduga River
there are lots of charr. Most of the local charr is not the Dolly Varden charr. This species was described as "white charr" Salvelinus albus. The head of this predatory fish is shorter, and has a convex forehead.
Same as Dolly Varden, this charr is often going out into the sea for feeding. Now, in September, it is entering the rivers for spawning and wintering.
In the Raduga River there are lots of Kamchatka grayling Thymallus arcticus mertensi. It is easy to catch it with literally any lure or fly.
The Prince nymph was catching not only grayling but charr as well.
Rainbow trout in Kamchatka loves Pacific salmon flies. This one was caught with a pink wobbler-fly.