Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another Rio Grande - Riesco Island, Chilean Patagonia

The biggest stream of the island is called (like many rivers in Spanish-speaking countries) Rio Grande.  The river is swift and deep: we were not able to wade across it even in low water.  The stream is famous by the stock of coho salmon; here you can also catch brown and rainbow trout. 

During high tide the lower part of the river is not flowing

The river has many swift, rocky stretches.  There are not very many pools here. 

Further upstream from the sea both banks are covered with thick beech forest

In April it is possible to catch sea-run brown trout.  This specimen was 52 cm long; it was caught with bright streamer near the bottom.  Some other trout were landed with tiny nymphs presented with a swing in the upper layers of water. 

Silver side of the same fish

This is a small parr of brown trout; it is less than a year old

Local species of kingfisher is one of the common birds

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